Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oo-koo-lay-lay and Fashion

When you run this kind of blog with that title, the last thing you want to have is a broken Ukelele. Correction UkeleleS. Both of my ukuleles are still under construction, how did it happened? It’s a long story and my 3rd ukelele is currently not with me so I cannot cover any song at this moment. pfffff! I’m currently  trying to stay positive at the same time resolved to save some money to buy a good quality-plug in ukulele with a cover so that it’ll be easier for me to bring it anywhere without having to worry and injure my ukes.

So as of now while waiting for me to fix my ukes  ill be posting for the mean time on something that I love about other than ukulele , fashion. I know I’m not the best looking girl in town not as of now  and i know that i'm not the best person with a great sense of fashion in town but I love to play around with the way I dress without having to bare it all. I love anything related to vintage classic, bohemian, anything weird,odd and modest. I wanted to share it with you so hope you’ll enjoy it! here's 2 set of attire i wore to work this week..

  • Top: Denim Blouse ( always been a big fan of Denim!)
  • Black Ballerina Skirt. (don't get me wrong, i don't do ballet dancing though some ppl thought i'm a ballerina,tall and skinny but seriously, there are times where i wonder why is it that my mother never send us for ballet class? then again i quickly realized that we are Hispanic, we don't do ballet, we do CHA-CHA!)
  • Classic Brown belt
  • Hair: Braid your hair once in a blue moon. it's an old way of telling "i had a bad hair day" not really
  • Shoes: zig-zag colourful flat shoes to add some colour to my 'dark and serious' outfit

  • Top: White long sleeves ruffle blouse
  • Hair: Blue bling2 hair clip (my colleague bought this all the way from Taiwan)
  • Shoes: same
  • Pants: Khaki pants (recently i'm lovin this type of pants)with Turquoise Belt (love the colour)

i'm on Instagram, you can follow me here

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