Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bula Fiji!

Time flew so fast! 3 weeks ago I was in Fiji with my team to attend a music Seminar. Well I should write something about this gorgeous Island and its loving people. I knew beforehand that Fiji and Hawaii have this  thing in common (other than the white sand beaches and the Coconut trees and etc etc) is the  UKELELE!!:) so I was pretty excited to find one and bring it home as a souvenir. 

The moment we landed at the airport early in the morning, We were greeted by a group of guys singing  songs welcoming all of us ( trust me Fijian can sing/harmonize their voices very well even without music) even before I saw their faces from a far I can hear a ukulele sound and bang! The next thing i know we were beside them taking picture.

So yeah,back to my ukelele story. They do have ukuleles and the price is not cheap since their currency is higher than ours so I was hesitant whether to buy or not but as usual I would end up buying things everywhere I go typical me to be honest I didn’t found the one that I really fall in love with, there’s a lot of ukes that are for decoration but im looking for one that I can play.

Anyways, here’s the list that I like about Fiji:

  • The first word you will learn the moment you arrive is “BULA!” meaning HELLO! and believe me you will hear this word everyday, seriously everyday. Somehow I felt that it’s being overused in a way but who cares right? As long as it makes me and others happy, right on! BULA! BULA! BULA! :)

  • The people are extremely friendly, even strangers will greet you. I like the atmosphere in Fiji not only the people are friendly you can also feel this “Aloha” spirit everywhere and the people are very simple, laid back and chill type of people.

  • I like how the people are preserving their culture compared to other places, uh-huh, not mentioning any names.and I can see just by their simple gesture that they love their country because they don’t throw rubbish anywhere (ouch!) and they can walk barefoot in the city, yes you can.

  • I like their Fijian traditional food, veggies, fruits, cassava, minus the portion of their meal, its huge.

  • I love,love,love the fact that most people in that place can dance! I know right, not only that, they can sing. When I say they can sing, they seriously can sing. So yeah, I envy them in a good way.

  • I’m not a beach person since I don’t know how to swim yeah..yeah you can laugh but I have to admit that the beaches are beautiful and guess what??? I went snorkeling! it was really a breakthrough for me. Thanks to my friend she convinced me that there won’t be any shark. Oh, I’m proud of myself (applause)


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